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Anul universitar 2019 - 2020 semestrul al II-lea și Anul universitar 2020-2021 semestrul I și al II-lea
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Texte pentru anul II
Collins Workplace English, Vol. II
Lesson 1. Back in the office
Lesson 2. Visitors to the company
Lesson 3. Down to business
Lesson 4. The presentation
Lesson 5. Questions and answers at the presentation
Lesson 6. Closing the meeting
Lesson 19. Welcome back to the office
Lesson 20. The project review
Lesson 21. Starting the video conference
Lesson 22. Discussing problems in the video conference
Lesson 23. Finding solutions in the video conference
Lesson 24. Ending the video conference
Texte pentru anul III
Teen-Agers Find It Behooves Them to Learn Farming
Will coronavirus affect food supply? First problem: A possible shortage of workers
Farmworkers face coronavirus risk: ‘You can’t pick strawberries over Zoom’
Lee Iacocca, father of the Ford Mustang who later rescued Chrysler, dies at 94
Texte suplimentare comune pentru anul II și anul III, de actualitate, despre coronavirus
Coronavirus symptoms: What to look for if you think you might be sick
How COVID-19 kills its victims. What makes coronavirus deadly? It strikes the lungs
Why will it take so long to make a coronavirus vaccine?
Tests show new virus lives on some surfaces for up to three days
Face a dangerous habit. A coronavirus danger: Touching your face. Here is how to stop doing it
He dodged Nazis and other perils, but not this virus
Coronavirus shopping list: Your essential quarantine items
Coronavirus has people howling at the moon